Michael T. Haas is Senior Partner in Direct Invest USA Holdings, LLC., and a successful entrepreneur with several other endeavors under his belt. Like many such professionals, he has a substantial savings to protect not only himself, but his family, for the future.
Building a savings like that of Michael T. Haas starts with a dollar. All you need to start saving is the willpower to put money away and not touch it until you need to. Doing so offers benefits like those listed below:
Dreams – If you have dreams that you can afford right now, you have a reason to save. For example, if you want to travel the world, buy a farm, vacation to Hawaii or own a high-end car, you’ll likely need a savings to fulfill your dreams. Saving money now will help you avoid regretting unaccomplished dreams later in life.
Happiness – Saving money is among the best practices to promote happiness. According to a survey by Ally Bank, more than three-quarters of people who save money said that it made them feel happier with their lives. The survey also found that more savings people had, the happier they felt.
Surprises – Life has never been without its surprises, and if you don’t have savings to serve as a cushion, these surprises are often painful and can lead to debt. Saving money helps you handle things that life throws at you, no matter what.
Often, those who have large savings like Michael T. Haas does, do not put money away for themselves, but for their family and loved ones. This is often the biggest motivator for people to begin saving.
(Source: http://community.ally.com/straight-talk/can-saving-money-make-you-happy-infographic/)
Building a savings like that of Michael T. Haas starts with a dollar. All you need to start saving is the willpower to put money away and not touch it until you need to. Doing so offers benefits like those listed below:
Dreams – If you have dreams that you can afford right now, you have a reason to save. For example, if you want to travel the world, buy a farm, vacation to Hawaii or own a high-end car, you’ll likely need a savings to fulfill your dreams. Saving money now will help you avoid regretting unaccomplished dreams later in life.
Happiness – Saving money is among the best practices to promote happiness. According to a survey by Ally Bank, more than three-quarters of people who save money said that it made them feel happier with their lives. The survey also found that more savings people had, the happier they felt.
Surprises – Life has never been without its surprises, and if you don’t have savings to serve as a cushion, these surprises are often painful and can lead to debt. Saving money helps you handle things that life throws at you, no matter what.
Often, those who have large savings like Michael T. Haas does, do not put money away for themselves, but for their family and loved ones. This is often the biggest motivator for people to begin saving.
(Source: http://community.ally.com/straight-talk/can-saving-money-make-you-happy-infographic/)